Hi guys n girls, I will not be accepting any new orders for a while because I have far to many in the current queue that I need to get through. Apologies to anyone who was thinking of placing a new order. This just allows me to catch up a bit which in turn will reduce future orders waiting times. Thank you for your patience Peace Matt.
Wanting a truly custom bespoke hand built mod? look no further! If you can dream it I can build it! Ever wanted a certain shape or layout or even number of batteries, a special colour or wood. No matter what, it can be built just drop me a direct message or contact my through the custom mod inquiry section. We are now down to 12 mod in the queue, so wait times for new orders are now only 10 to 12 weeks :-) A vast improvement over a year ago when wait times i was having to quote 8 months! So now is the time to place a new order! A word about what we do and why we are different to other modmakers... Unlike other mod makers that offer custom hand built mods, Fynemods allows you to literally choose anything! if you can dream it I will certainly try to create it for you.
Other modmakers say they offer custom or bespoke mods but in fact the only thing you can choose is colours and an engraving. Here at fynemods you can choose anything! if you want a certain shape, layout, colour, number of cells, anything you can think of i will try to create it for you. Below are some truly custom mods i have built to give you an idea of how a truly custom mod should be- Peace Matt. Hi guys n girls, Well what a year it has been with this terrible global pandemic. Firstly I would like to send my thoughts and wishes out to any of my customers past and present that have been affected by this be it loosing a loved one, getting ill, or loosing there jobs. It has been a tough time for us all but I think things are slowly looking up. Over the last year my wait times for building mods got really long, this was due to a surge in sale prior to the pandemic then during the pandemic We had lots of challenges and extra things such as extra running about for shopping and supplies, caring for elderly friends and neighbour's. Also where we live (the Scottish Highlands) things are a bit spread out, shops, petrol stations etc.. It didn't help when things closed down, we had extra traveling and running about to do which meant less time in the workshop. But now things are returning to normal :-) and i have been busy in the workshop getting mods built. The wait time is now down to around 4 months which is half of what it was back last year! at one point I was having to quote 8 months wait time! I'm so pleased to now be in a position where i can quote 4 months and I estimate in about another months time it will go down to 3 months :-) Those that follow the YouTube channel will have seen some of the latest creations and i have some really cool and unique designs to come!
If you would like your very own custom bespoke mod built Please feel free to get in touch and discuss your ideas with me. [email protected] But for now take care! Peace Matt. As my regular followers will know for some time i have been working hard on a new Delrin Collection.
The aim was to create a regular range of mods in set styles out of Delrin. So if you fancied a fynemods but wanted something for everyday use that could take all sorts of abuse The new Delrin collection is the the answer! Delrin is super tough and durable it doesn't mind getting wet or being soaked in e liquid. It can even handle a small drop! It doesn't scratch easily and requires little to no maintenance. Im very close know to releasing the new range! It will be released in two stages, the first stage is the mods (released in the next few days) the second stage will be the squonkers (released towards the end of the year) There are 4 mods each one is named after one of the Scottish Hebridean Islands. Iona- a single cell mech tube stlye mod Tiree- a single cell Clickfet Mod Gigha- a single cell DNA60 Mod Skye- a single cell DNA75/75C Mod All 4 will be available as a single 18650 or single 21700 version. The 18650 versions will have 22mm 510's and the 21700 versions will have 24mm 510's both versions have flush fit 510's so will happily accept larger atomizers. All mods will be available with the options to have with or without engraving. The concept and idea of the Delrin collection is to streamline a range that can be made quickly by having set parameters. All the mods in the Delrin collection are still built to order but will be fast tracked and will take approximately 1 to 2 weeks to complete. Mods with engraving might take slightly longer as we out source the engraving to Tim at Slammer mods and this depends on his work load. More news to follow but for now some sneak peek pictures! Hi guys, Well as summer slowly winds down and we move into autumn Here at Fynemods I have been busy giving the website a refresh.
You will see a new layout on the home page that better helps showcase the 3 main aspects of what i do- Bespoke custom builds Mods for sale (rare) New Delrin Collection (coming soon) Which leads me nicely to Such topic. Delrin is a fantastic media to work with Delrin acetal homopolymer resin is very tough and durable and is relatively inexpensive. Delrin is very easy to work with and machines well. The hardest thing with Delrin is getting a good finish on the end product. I have recently invested in a new media blasting setup that uses Soda blasting techniques to achieve a stunning uniform finish on Delrin this finish feels incredible to hold giving the mod a smooth uniform grippy texture. As some of my regular followers would have seen I have been experimenting with Delrin over the last few months and now i have the finishing perfected I will be releasing a full Delrin range of mods and squonkers. The new range will consist of the following products-
All 18650 versions will be with a 22mm 510 and all 21700 versions will be with a 24mm 510 All 510's are flush fit so you can fit bigger atomizers. The Squonkers 18650 will have the Dinklyplus10 bottle and the 21700 will have the Monster silicone bottle By having these set options it enables me to keep the size of the mods down and also creates consistency in design. plus aesthetically and proportionally correct. The new Delrin range will appear on the website over the course of the next few months. The mods and squonkers in the Delrin range will still be built to order but will be fast tracked and will only take a couple of days before your order is dispatched. This will be possible because of the set designs and layouts. I will of course continue to make the custom fully bespoke mods/squonkers from stabwood and resin where you can choose anything you like, any layout any shape, design, 510, etc... but these of course take time due to having many custom orders. And occasionally i have completed custom mods built for sale ready for immediate dispatch, these do not turn up very often as im usually so busy with orders and don't get time to build spare mods for sale but when they are listed they can be dispatched for next day delivery. Peace Matt. As you know each and every mod I build is fully bespoke, This means that its built to each individual customers specifications.
There are of course some limitations such as machining and tooling that i use- this can limit certain shapes and designs e.g I do not have 5 axis cnc etc.. just a manual mill and hand tools etc.. The other factor is space- No i cannot fit 2 x 21700 batteries a DNA250C and a squonk bottle inside a match box! This leads me onto Faceplates :-) A Lot of mod design incorporate a faceplate, its main purpose is to allow me access inside the mod to fit the electronics. It is very hard but not impossible to fit a regulated board inside a mod without a faceplate. The faceplate itself can be made from metal such as stainless steel or from the same material as the mod e.g wood and resin. There are two main ways i use to hold the Faceplate onto the mod. 1- screws and 2-magnets. There is a third way but i do not like doing it, which is glue, Gluing on the Faceplate makes removing it should there be a problem almost impossible so lets not go there :-) This brings us back to screws and magnets. Screws are by far the most secure way to hold on a faceplate however some people do not like to see visible screws so this is why magnets can be used instead. Magnets are great for a clean look however a couple of points to make regarding there use. because of design and space we cannot really use anything larger that a 4mm magnet and we use N52 grade magnets so there is no problem with the pulling power and is certainly more than enough to securely hold on a faceplate. The biggest problem with magnets is that they have to be epoxy glued into the mod and faceplate and with such a small surface area (4mm) they can occasionally come unstuck and need re gluing Although this is rare) Faceplates i make that are held on with magnets on things like regulated mods rarely do not require that the faceplate to be constantly removed so even though it can its best just to leave in place. Some designs such as regulated mods with hidden controls under a false faceplate will require the constant remove of the faceplate. Care sould be taken to when doing so. Some other designs i have made such as the little mechanical tube style mods have a stainless steel faceplate held on with 4 small screws, I used screws in this application because under the faceplate is the silver contact strip which has a bend in it that makes it push up to the underside of the faceplate, this is what gives the tension and makes the fire button work and also feel amazing in use. If we had used magnets in the situation there would have been a risk that the tension of the silver strip would constantly be trying to push the faceplate off. So to summarize both screws and magnets are used depending on application and design, and usually it is something that can be specified by the customer. My default will be to use magnets where i can and reserve screws for designs that require a stronger fixing solution. Peace Matt. As Christmas and new year draws ever closer firstly i would like to thank everyone that has been a customer this year.
I have really enjoyed building each and every one of the mods/squonkers and i hope you enjoy using them :-) Its been a busy year which is good but has meant the waiting times for new orders is around 10 to 12 weeks. I think i will be able to catch up a little over the festive period which would mean we can start the new year with a shorter build time. Secondly- I will be working all the way up to Christmas, building mods, replying to emails, updating social media with content etc.. I will most likely have Christmas day and boxing day off and if you need me you will find me up a mountain! Finally I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and near year! thank you all again for all the support in 2018 and here's to another awesome year in 2019! Peace Matt FyneMods As summer firmly sets in I hope you're all enjoying the warm sunny weather, there is nothing better than sitting outside on a warm summer's evening enjoying your favorite beverage with a quality vape in hand!
As you know I specialise in building custom one off bespoke mods for my customers. This works by customers getting in touch with me to discuss what they want and me then creating and building their dream mod or squonker. This process normally take between 2 and 6 weeks to complete a build. However if you fancy picking up a FyneMod without the wait check out my new mods for sale section on the website! Here you will find Mods for sale that I have built and finished ready for immediate dispatch! There won't be mods there for sale all the time and when they are there its a rare thing as most of my time is spent building the custom orders. When I get some spare time in between these custom orders i work on creating and building mods for sale. Peace Matt. A new board for a new product the fynefet in association with Swedish Vaper![]() The fyneFet concept was created by myself but turned into reality by the incredibly talented Joel Nicklasson at Swedish Vaper, without Joel's expert knowledge and skill non of this would have been possible! Be sure to check out Swedish vaper here The idea of the fynefet was to take inspiration from other mosfet boards on the market but turn into something much smaller by incorporating the board to mount directly onto the back of a standard 12mm clicky switch with a footprint no bigger than the diameter of the switch itself! less than 12mm! (possibly the smallest fet board in the world) This allows me to create very small fynefet mods The first of which will be a single 18650 squonker coming soon! The fynefet is a small mosfet switch board piggybacking on a mod fire-button. It has onboard real Reverse Polarity Protection, with visual indication of the battery being inserted backwards and no autofire in RPP. The red led will light up when the battery is insalled incorrectly. The onboard microfets can cope with loads up to 48A, surpassing the amplimits of all 18650 and even 20700 cells. It is advised to keep builds below 40A though to retain some headroom safetywise. The fynefet also has onboard led indicator for firebutton activation. The fyneFet also has a low voltage cut of set at 3v Specifications- Footprint- 11x9x2.5mm Mosfet-N channel 30v 100A Operating voltage range 3v to 4.2v Low voltage cut off- 3v Idle current- 1 µA Reverse polarity protection- yes (red led) Fire indicator- yes (blue Led) Board amp limit- 48amps So whats next?
well im currently testing a prototype and if all goes well (which it is so far) I will soon be opening a list for the first batch of 20 single 18650 walnut wood FyneFet squonkers. To stay up to date with the latest news keep an eye on this blog page and also our facebook page and facebook group. Peace Matt. Final reductions and news about the new range of mods coming soon!Hi guys, I have been working hard over the last 3 to 4 months designing and prototyping a new range of mods and squonkers. The new range incorporates a new way of building mods for me as i grow and evolve with new skills and techniques. The new range will all be made from solid blocks of wood, a much better way to make mods, the old way was that i was glueing 4mm pieces of walnut together to make a box. The new way with solid blocks has all come about because last year i purchased a new milling machine and have slowly taught myself how to use it, refining techniques and skills. As i evolve FyneMods i will be changing the website to just concentrate on the hand built mods, so all the little nik nak items such as pre built coils, wire spools, drip tips etc.. will all be phased out. As part of the phasing out of these items i have been running some promotions and discount codes, as the stock levels get down to the last few items, I have reduced prices even further!, I have done away with the Crazy50 discount code and instead just replaced it with rock bottom prices on the end of line items. Everything that is on sale is being sold at a loss just to clear, so grab an absolute bargain!!!! Check out the clearance and sale section for a great deal. The new mods will hopefully be ready for orders soon, and as part of the change i will be doing things a little differently, Rather than just having mods for sale on the website, The website will act more as a portfolio for the mods and my work. You will be able to contact me to discuss your requirements and request a mod being built for you. This is because the new range take a little longer to create. Keep an eye out on the website for the up and coming changes and if your on Facebook just search for FyneMods to keep upto date with the latest news. For now here is a few sneak peek video,s of some of the new mods coming!
The biggest discount ever! Hi guys, As part of the new up and coming changes, I am phasing out all the old products left over from the M-vapes days, things like pre built coils, wire spools, drip tips, and accessories like vape tweezers, vape mats, coiling tools plus a few remaining atomizers. So to clear the old stock im halfing the price of everything! yes 50% off!!!! this also applyes to items already discounted!!!
once its gone it gone! Just enter the code CRAZY50 at checkout an it will half the price of the items. Please feel free to share the code with everyone you know! Remeber once its gone its gone so grab a crazy bargain! I have left some really great pre built coils, some awesome wire spools everything from kanthal to ss to ni80 etc... plus drip tips and some RDA'S 50% off it must all go!!! (promotion does not include our custom made box mods an dfire buttons or squonk bottles or microfibre cloths or howard feed n wax) the sian is coming! I am very pleased to finally bring out the 20700 mini mech squonker named the S?ian after Loch Sian of course!
The Sian's will be going live tonight Feb 6th at 8pm UK time. Make from our stunning English Walnut wood the sian features silver plated copper contatcs, ModMaker MM510 and a huge choice of squonk bottles. They like all our mods can be fully tailored to your requirements with a huge choice of options and finishes. two new mods for your pleasure! Hi peeps, hope your all having a wonderful weekend!
Tonight (Saturday 27th) the new Ossian mods will go live and tomorrow (Sunday 28th) the new Awe will go live! double wammy! The Ossian is a dual 18650 DNA powered walnut wood box mod (basically a non squonk version of the Etive) The Awe is a single 20700/21700 DNA powered Walnut wood Squonker (basically a 20700/21700 version of the Etive) I will of course update here with the time that they will go live! :) Peace Matt. Arklets now available! plus other news I am pleased to now have the Arklets avaiable again.
The Arklet is our smallest mini mech squonker made from our stunning English walnut wood. Featuring the awesome MM510 by Modmaker plus ModMaker silver plated copper contacts and a huge choice of squonk bottles including the new Geronimo bottles by ModMaker and the Goldilocks by Stealthvape. I also have just released the newest mod in our mini mech squonker line up- the Fionn, The Fionn is a single 26650 mini mech squonker in a tiny form factor. Take a look at the full range- fynemods news and products update December 2017 Hi, well as we move closer to Christmas and the end of what has been a very busy year there are lots of new and exciting things happening here at FyneMods.
Back in late summer I purchased my first milling machine and some other new tooling. I then spend the next few months teaching myself to use the new equipment. Once I was confident and happy with my progress and ability I set about designing, prototyping and creating a new range of mods and some updates to our mini mech range. One of the new things the mill has allowed me to do now is make rectangle squonk windows. Im currently offering both options- the round and the rectangle, but if one proves 99% more popular that's the one I will stick with. The new tooling also means I can build mods in a different way and allows me to make much smaller mods. So I set about redesigning our range of regulated box mods and squonkers. This is still ongoing as there's lots of prototyping and testing to be done, but so far I have released the new Etive. The Etive is a single 18650 DNA75/DNA75C regulated mini squonker. There are currently 3 versions of Etive but there will be 4; see below-
Over the next few weeks I will be releasing the Dual 18650 versions of the above, named the Tay. There will also be a 20700 version of the Etive. I am still unsure at this stage if I will be making a 3s lipo version. This coming week I will also be adding a new mini mech squonker to the range called the Fionn. The Fionn is a single 26650 mini mech squonker. There might also be a single 20700 mini mech with 15ml juice bottle but I'm unsure yet (give us your thoughts) That's about it for now but if you want to stay up to date please feel free to join the FyneMods Facebook page and group. Matt FyneMods The new Etive regulated mini squonker release 8pm 19/11/2017 Over the past 3 months I have been designing, prototyping and testing a new version of the Etive. Finally it is now ready for release! The new Etive is a single 18650 DNA75/C regulaed squonker built using our new tooling and equipment to allow for a smaller more compact design. There are two versions of the new Etive- a DNA75 version with a brass facsia and a DNA75C version with a aluminium fascia. Both version will be available to purchase from 8pm Sunday the 19th Novemeber. The dimensions of the new Etive are-
This makes it slightly smaller than the therion by lostvape, below is a picture of the Etive next to our tiny Arklet mini mech squonker which by the way is about the same size as the runt mini! The new Etive can be fully customized to your own specifications, you can choose the finish for the fascias, 510 and Actuators (mirror polished or brushed or a mix of both) I can also make a left handed version for those that require one.
Each box is built to order, however unlike some other mod makers that do this as a part time thing, FyneMods is my full time occupation therfore i am able to make and produce these at a much quicker rate that someone that is doing it in there spare time. I also have a little sytem that aids build time, by building up empty boxes in advance ready for the fitting of the internals, fascia, 510 and wiring, this means that when an order is placed only the final finishing and assembely is required which in turn means i can get your box completed within 3 to 4 days. I also do not believe in lists, special requirments or being members of elite groups in order to purchase one. All FyneMods boxes are available to purchase here direct from the website all the time. Only if i get completely snowed under with orders will i make the stock level 0 until i can catch up. Peace Matt. Fynemods news update november 2017 new boxes coming! Over the past 3 months I have been working on designing and building some new mods. these will replace our regulated range of box mods and squonkers. Still using the awesome DNA range of boards the new range will be alot smaller and more compact thanks to the investment in a new milling maching. My new mill allows me to build boxes in a new way with new techniques. the end result is a much smaller design and some more custom detail. I have also introduced a new FyneMods youtube channel that will showcase a series of shorts (videos under 5mins) If you would like to see a sneak peek into the making of the new boxes please check out the videos on our new youtube channel- I estimate the first of the new boxes will be ready for sale in the next couple of weeks. The first box will be a single 18650 regulated mini squonker powered by the Evolv DNA75 board or you can choose the DNA75C board. The new box is smaller than the Therion dna75C I will be updating on here and on our facebook page pictures and details soon! Watch this space! Peace Matt.
Arklet batch relase news! The next batch of Arklets will be on Thursday the 2nd of Novemeber at 8pm UK time! There will be 4 available this time. The Arklet is out tiny single 18650 fully mechanical walnut wood squonker. Fitted with the awesome MM 510 and fire button with options to choose brass or stainless and brushed or polished finishes. You can now also choose from a range of different squonk bottles! The Tulla a dual parallel mini mech squonker next batch friday the 27th at 9pm uk time!!! We are now back from our epic 1000mile round trip to a wedding in Essex, and its so nice to back in quite peaceful Scotthish highlands.
Getting back to normal work and building boxes is so nice, I definatly dont miss essex lol. So as we are back to normal I have been super busy this week building Tulla's. The Tulla is our newest box which is a dual parallel mini mech squonker! basically the arklet but with two batteries. There will be 8 available this time they will go live on the website at 9pm uk time this Friday the 27th October. As always there are lots of options to fully customise- You can choose 22mm or 24mm MM510, options to have catch cup or flat washer, if choosing the flat washer you can also choose to have it either surface mount or totally flush fit. The 510 and switch can be brushed or mirror polished and you can choose brass, stainless or black. There is also options to choose the bottle of your choice You can choose- FyneMods standard PE bottles ModMaker soft PE bottles FyneMods Stimy Vapor soft silicone flat base bottles (black or white) Stealthvape Goldilocks silicone bottles The tulla's are all made by hand out of our stunning Uk scourced Walnut wood and finished with Howard wax. All tulla's are supplied with a free bottle of howard wax, micro fibre cloth and authenticity card. Tulla batch release date! As you know I have been working hard to develop a new box for our range, The Tulla is a dual 18650 fully mechanical mini squonker. I will be releasing the first batch This Sunday the 15th October at 9pm UK Time. There will only be 4 available in the first batch as that is all i could build before going away next week for a family event. There will be a second batch listed a week or so after we get back. So this sunday 9pm uk time 4 of the new Tulla's will be available!! I will of course update here reminders :-) Peace Matt. Coming soon to FyneMods the tulla! The Tulla is a dual 18650 mini mech squonker made from our stunning UK Walnut wood. Basically a dual battery version of the Tiny Arklet.
The Tulla (named after loch Tulla) is the same height and depth as the arklet with just a tiny bit more width to allow for the extra battery making this a very compact dual 18650 fully mechanical squonker. I expect to release the first batch of these towards the end of October. To keep upto date with news check out our Facebook page or just search fynemods. Chance to own a custom one of a kind mod by fynemods! This mod was built by myself here at fynemods it is a dual 18650 DNA75 powered box mod made from a stunning piece of Spalted beechwood with a custom smoked acrylic fascia, frosted buttons and Mod Maker 510 with matching black 24mm catch cup. There is only one of these in exsistance and is available to purchase by means of the first to message or contact me get it! The price is £240 delivered (uk) international delivery please ask for price. Next batch of Arklets will be listed for sale on friday 29th september at 8pm uk time!!!
Next batch of Lochy's will be listed this friday at 8pm UK time 15/09/2017 Hi guys, I will be listing a small batch of 4 Lochy's (mini mech squonker v2) this friday th 15th September at 8pm UK time.
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